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Raise awareness of the issues surrounding conversion practices

Put an End to conversion practices

Get trained to take action!

After the training, you will be able to support LGBTQ+ people and their entourage and take the necessary steps to protect them. Our trainings give you the skills and tools to intervene effectively.

Who Should Attend ?

It is intended for anyone who provides services to the LGBTQ+ population.

  • educators and teachers,

  • the police.

  • health and social services professionals.

Why train?

Training in conversion therapy is essential for:

  • Protect and support LGBTQ+ communities;

  • Increase your knowledge and skills to recognize conversion therapies;

  • Intervene appropriately when needed;

  • Refer victims and/or survivors to the appropriate psychological and legal support resources;

  • Educate others about the dangers of conversion therapies and the need to eliminate them.

  • Create a more inclusive and respectful environment for LGBTQ+ people;

  • Become an ally in the fight against dangerous practices that seek to deny the identity and dignity of LGBTQ+ people.

What are conversion practices?

  • Conversion therapy practices aim to change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual, change their gender identity to cisgender, or change their gender expression to match the sex they were assigned at birth. They harm and further stigmatize people of different sexualities and genders and undermine their equality and dignity. (Source: Government of Canada)

For example, they aim to:

  • "convert" a gay, lesbian or bisexual person into a heterosexual person

  • increase the level of sexual attraction of an asexual person (i.e., a person with little or no sexual attraction) to a level considered more "normal"

  • "Converting" a trans or non-binary person into a cisgender person (i.e., a person who identifies with his or her sex assigned at birth).

  • Masculinizing an effeminate man or feminizing a masculine woman

Where do these practices come from?

They are based on centuries of oppression and stigmatization of sexual and gender diversity and on beliefs that persist today:


  • Sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity are the result of a person's choice or upbringing and can therefore, be changed.

  • Sexual and gender diversity is believed to be the result of a disorder, trauma or mental illness. This belief has been supported by the health care community until recently.

What forms can conversion practices take?

Libido-suppressing or libido-enhancing drugs, hormone treatments, psychotherapy, coaching sessions, masculinity/femininity camps, behavioral therapies, aversion therapies, group therapies, hypnosis, exorcism, meditations, prayers, food deprivation, confinement, lobotomies, tutoring, social pressures.

Some numbers

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22 countries

banned conversion therapy

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Trans people report 7 times more conversion efforts. (Blais, M., 2022)

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According to a 2022 Quebec study of 3,261 victims of conversion practices, 25% of LGBTQ+ respondents reported having undergone conversion therapies informally. (Blais, M., 2022)



Emanuel's story

Sandra's story

Posters, guides, videos, and other resources to make your community more inclusive.

To raise awareness and answer common questions.

Listen to season 2 of our “Let’s Talk LGBTQ+ Realities” Podcast to hear touching testimonies

Not sure if this training is right for you?

After completing this training, you will be able to

  • Protecting people who are victims of conversion therapy

  • Detect signals related to conversion therapies;

  • Intervene effectively using accessible tools.

Access the “Conversion therapy” training now

(by clicking on this button, you will be redirected to a contact form.
Once completed, you will be contacted by a member of our team)

Helping Resources Available

  • Éducaloi's mission is to popularize the law and develop the legal skills of the people in Quebec. Éducaloi is involved in legal information, legal education and clear communication of the law (more information is coming).

  • Justice Pro Bono's mission is to improve access to justice by mobilizing the legal community to share their expertise and time to individuals, communities and NPOs in Quebec who lack the resources to access legal services. (More information is coming)


Financial partner





Website by C'est Paulette

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