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Raising awareness and fostering welcoming environments for our seniors
For more than 12 years, Aging Gayfully has defended the rights of LGBTQ+ seniors, offering tools and training sessions to those who support them.
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Posters, guides, videos, and other resources to make your community more inclusive.
To raise awareness and answer common questions.
Consult our directory of organizations that have signed our Charter for the fair treatment of LGBT seniors.
The Aging Gayfully training is FREE and lasts 2 hours. It includes: an overview of the concepts of sexual and gender diversity; the evolution of LGBT rights and their impact on different generations; good practices to make environments more inclusive for LGBT seniors; and a testimonial from an LGBT senior about their life experiences.
Organisme formateur agréé par la Commission des partenaires du marché du travail aux fins de l’application de la Loi favorisant le développement et la reconnaissance des compétences de la main-d’oeuvre.

Charter of fair treatment
The charter can be displayed in places where seniors meet. It signals your organization’s commitment to the eleven principles of fair treatment to foster a homophobia and transphobia-free environment. To join our list of signatories, your organization must first take the training, and then have the charter formally adopted by your Board of Directors.

Charter of fair treatment
Why focusing on LGBT seniors?
While an estimated 10% of seniors are LGBT, they remain largely invisible, often for fear of disclosing their homosexuality or transidentity.
Many have been forced into hiding during their lives to avoid prison, therapy, or rejection from their families, religious communities and society as a whole.
Such rejection and prejudice has left its mark, and several studies confirm that LGBT seniors constitute a particularly vulnerable population. Though it might be less evident than in the past, the stigma and prejudice suffered by LGBT people persists today. For many, aging gives rise to the fear that they will be isolated in an unwelcoming environment, because they are perceived as being different.
This is why Fondation Émergence has been committed for more than 10 years to making seniors' communities more inclusive.
To ensure that our training course and tools stay relevant and accurate, we work in collaboration with LGBT seniors (the working group) and key stakeholders in senior services (the advisory committee).

The Duty Of Rememberance Project
The Duty Of Rememberance Project, which is part of the Aging Gayfully program, honours the contribution of activists who have fought to improve the situation for LGBTQ+ people in Quebec.