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Image by Cecilie Johnsen

Fondation Émergence is a non-profit organization which fights against homophobia and transphobia through a range of actions. Our core activities include: 


  • International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 

  • Aging Gayfully, raising awareness for our senior citizens. 

  • ProAlly, raising awareness in the workplace 

  • Chosen Family, supporting family caregivers 

Our mission: Educate, inform and raise awareness


Fondation Emergence works to educate, inform and raise the population's awareness to the lived experiences of people within a broad range of sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. This includes but is not limited to those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and two-spirit (2S). 


The foundation works to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people in Quebec, Canada and internationally by: 

  • Promoting their inclusion in society 

  • Countering homophobia, transphobia, discrimination and prejudice against them 

  • Promoting their equality within legal and social contexts and ensuring their rights are respected 

  • Contributing to their well-being and development, as well as that of their loved ones, throughout every stage of their lives 

  • Identifying emerging issues and needs within the community so they can be effectively addressed 


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Our actions


To fulfill its mission, the Foundation: 


  • Organizes and leads awareness campaigns as part of the International Day against homophobia and Transphobia. 

  • Creates and develops programs that respond to the different realities of sexual and gender diverse communities. This includes Aging Gayfully, ProAlly and Chosen Family. 

  • Fosters strong connections with universities and researchers. 

  • Conducts Canadian-wide surveys on the wellbeing of the LGBTQ+ community and perceptions of the community within the general population. 

  • Curates exhibitions to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues. 

  • Develops international partnerships. 

  • Sets the standard for the fight against homophobia and transphobia. 


Our committees


Charter of the Programming Committee

The mandate of the Committee is to ensure that the Board of Directors can maintain a continuous strategic view of Fondation Émergence's programs. As such, the Committee provides objective recommendations on program management to the Board of Directors.


The role and responsibilities of the Committee consist of playing a strategic role by ensuring:

  • Ensure support for the strategic growth and development of Foundation programs

  • Define, at high level, the directions, targets and resources required by the Foundation's various current and potential programs

  • Evaluate opportunities for additional programs or the relevance of existing programs

  • Ensure that the Foundation’s various programs serve the mission first and foremost

The programs within the mandate of the Committee are:

  • International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (May 17)

  • ProAlly

  • So that aging is joyful

  • Chosen Family


Charter of the Finance, Audit and Philanthropic Development Committee

The mandate of the Committee is to ensure that the board of directors can maintain a continuous strategic view of the finances and risk management of Fondation Émergence. As such, the Committee provides objective recommendations on the management of finances, risks and philanthropic development to the Board of Directors.


The role and responsibilities of the Committee consist of playing a strategic role by ensuring:


  • See the recommendation of an expert firm for the examination of the financial statements;

  • See to the management and sustainability of the organization's income over the long term while ensuring particular monitoring of public/private fund ratios;

  • Create a risk inventory, assess it, create a contingency plan, monitor and update it on a regular basis;

  • Periodically analyze the context and HR needs at the strategic level;

  • Support and act in line with other committees in order to evaluate the necessary resources and establish the funding potential for each high-level program;

  • Deploy a plan to develop a philanthropic culture within the organization, particularly with governors.


Governance Committee Charter

The mandate of the Committee is to ensure that the board of directors can maintain a continuous strategic view of the governance practices of Fondation Émergence. As such, the Committee provides objective recommendations on the management of governance processes to the board of directors.


The role and responsibilities of the Committee consist of playing a strategic role by ensuring:


  • Manage the governance process of Fondation Émergence and the resulting actions;

  • Create a succession plan for the board of directors and general management, assess it, a contingency plan, monitor and update it on a regular basis;

  • Maintain continuous strategic monitoring of the various committees formed and make recommendations to the board on the creation or dissolution of a committee (permanently or ad hoc);

  • Implement the general management evaluation process and the annual self-evaluation process of the board of directors;

  • Recommend to the board of directors a potential list of governors who can be recruited taking into account the skills and profiles sought or under-represented;

  • Supervise the nomination process for the election of the board of directors at the annual meeting*.

Our team


Board of directors



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Patrick Desmarais


(pronouns : he/him)

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Élodie Palluet


(pronouns : she/her)


Cong Hien Nguyen


(pronouns : he/him)

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Martin Caillé


(pronouns : he/him)


Béthanie Cloutier


(pronouns : she/her)

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Philippe schnobb


(pronouns : he/him)

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Sandra Carbonne


(pronouns : she/her)


Alexandre Geleyn


(pronouns : he/him)

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Samuel Tremblay


(pronouns : he/him)

Our employees



Laurent Breault

General manager

(pronouns : he/him)


Brigitte Marier

Administrative assistant

(pronouns : she/her)


Daniel Gosselin

Program Coordinator

(pronouns : he/him)


Sébastien Houle

Communications manager

(pronouns : he/him)


Raja Dridi

Program manager

(pronouns : she/her)

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Kristiaan van den Hoeven

Program manager

(pronouns : he/they)


Olivia Baker

Trainer and content specialist

(pronouns : she/her)


Julien Rougerie

Trainer and content specialist

(pronouns : he/him)


Coves Larose

Administrative assistant

(pronouns : they/them)

Our governors


The Board of Governors of the Fondation Émergence is made up of people from different backgrounds and professions and includes several public figures. 



These people all believe in the need to support Fondation Émergence within their field, so that it has the means to accomplish its mission. 



Website by C'est Paulette

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