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Who was Laurent-McCutcheon? Laurent-McCutcheon, who passed away in 2019, was the founding president of the Fondation Émergence and the creator of the National Day Against Homophobia, which has become the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. Since the 1970s, he has been a key player in the recognition of sexual diversity and gender identity. Asserting his leadership, he has also testified before several parliamentary committees and regularly intervenes in the media. Refusing any remuneration, he voluntarily performed all his functions.

Fondation Émergence launches the Laurent-McCutcheon Excellence Scholarship in the amount of $ 4,000



The Fondation Émergence is pleased to announce, for the second year, the Laurent-McCutcheon scholarship, in the amount of $ 4,000. The Laurent-McCutcheon scholarship is an excellence scholarship for master's students whose research subject is the realities of people of sexual diversity and the plurality of gender identities and expressions (LGBTQ2 +).


To be eligible for the scholarship, the following conditions must be met:

  • be a permanent resident or Canadian citizen;

  • be registered for a full-time master's degree or in writing in the fall of 2022 at a Quebec university;

  • the subject must be part of the mission of the Fondation Émergence and, more specifically, in the social sciences and psychology sector: anthropology, communication, criminology, demography, psychoeducation, psychology, industrial relations, political science, economics, social work and sociology.


The application file must include:


  • a cover letter (maximum 1000 words) in which the candidate explains their research project and how it contributes to the advancement of knowledge on the realities of people of sexual diversity and the plurality of gender identities and expressions (LGBTQ2 +);

  • why he / she thinks he deserves this merit scholarship;

  • the stages planned or carried out at the level of its mastery) and its work schedule;

  • a resume;

  • an official transcript;

  • proof of registration for the master's degree as well as a letter or email of recommendation from the research director or professor responsible for the project (maximum of 500 words).

Deadline : Thursday march 31h 

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Assurez-vous d’avoir rempli tous les champs de ce formulaire
Signez ce formulaire et enregistrez-le
Rassemblez l’ensemble des documents exigés
Soumettez votre dossier de candidature par courriel à



N. B. : Si les fichiers sont trop lourds pour l’envoi par courriel, veuillez utiliser WeTransfer.




Alex Nadeau (ael, elle) étudiante à la maîtrise - Lauréate de la deuxième édition 2023 de la Bourse Laurent McCutcheon. Son sujet de recherche : les effets de l’invisibilité des personnes 2SLGBTQIA+ dans les régions non métropolitaines québécoises sur le bien-être de ces personnes.



Claudia Morisset, étudiante à la maîtrise - Lauréate de la deuxième édition 2022 de la Bourse Laurent McCutcheon. Son sujet de recherche : « Recension et analyse des programmes visant à améliorer l’adaptation scolaire et psychosociale des adolescents de la diversité sexuelle et de genre ».

Notre lauréat de l'édition 2021 

Vincent Mousseau.jpeg

The winner of the 2021's edition is Vincent Mousseau, master's student in social work at the University of Montreal, whose research subject is "How do black LGBTQ + people in Quebec see their sexual orientation or gender identity in relation to to their ethnic and racial identities? ".

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